the other day i received a package in the mail because i won this giveaway from lime green movie girl. i know i know, you are jealous. jeff totes called dibs on the t shirt when i opened it... can he even do that? the candy was consumed in about five seconds and there may or may not be lisa frank stickers all over anything and everything. thanks lime green movie girl!!! its everything i've ever dreamed of.
i'm totes jelly. i loooooooooooooove it alllllllllllll especially the shirt.
also you ALWAYS win giveaways even when they don't send it to you you are still lucky!
Ha! I'm so thrilled you enjoyed it!
she sent me that shirt too!!!! let's be rapture twinz!! now all we need are the bright green leggings. and no, jeff can't dibs the shirt. he can't!!!!! i want lisa frank in my life.
remi is loving the stickers. ooh lisa.
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